Episode 36: Relational & Prayer Shifts

An interview with Terri Flannagan

Terri shares her 'in-process' story of relational and prayer shifts. We talk about waiting on God versus getting stuck and how her friendships have been nurtured & wrapped in prayer. ⁣


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The Seeds


Name: Terri Flannagan

Age: 38

Where do you call home: Charlotte, North Carolina

Relationship Status:  Married

Season of Work:  Marketing & Strategy Consultant

Hobbies: Binging TV Shows

Jesus Journey:   There is not a time in my life I don’t remember being a Jesus follower. I was raised in a family where church and a relationship with Jesus was our top value and I am so grateful for the church I was raised in. My faith has grown deeper as I’ve gotten older, but I really grasped the gospel when I was 30 and walked through a hard story with my family. Life as I knew it was ripped away and I had to rebuild on a firm foundation that I had never experienced before. I now cling on to every word of the bible and have a bigger faith and trust that wasn’t there before experiencing hard circumstances.

The Branches


Terri in Episode 18 “Shifting Our Prayers” we talked about what it can look like to shift our prayers to God’s will and God’s way on a daily basis. Do you still stand by this message?

LOL. Absolutely.  I think this is just a rhythm to my life.  Lord, what do you want from me? Where do you want me to go? Who do you want me to see?  Lord, forgive me for the ways I fail you and the people around me.  Lord, use me - my weaknesses and my strengths.  It’s a daily posture!

You mentioned in your previous episode a posture we can take with prayer is one of “COMPLETE TRUST and Surrender.” Give ‘Olive Us’ the “real reel” as you would say…an example… of where you have had complete trust and surrendered.

 Oh SHEESH. Vulnerability here.  Honestly, I’ve surrendered what I thought life would look like here in my city and friend groups.  I have had to realize what is right in front of me and right beneath my feet instead of focusing on what I wish I had - trusting that God has given me just what I needed.  

Over these last few months, you have written ( IG/Facebook) and talked a fair amount about some of the relational shifts in your life. How has prayer played a role in navigating these relational shifts? 

I’ve had to spend time with God in silence settling into peace over changes.  Some of those changes have been birthed out of pain and some have come from just what my day-to-day looks like.  I feel like this past year I have needed daily manna to get through each day.

Back in August right before school started you mentioned “invisible stretching.” Three kids, three schools, working full-time, activities, home life, the WHOLE NINE was changing at once! You said inviting others into this stretching time ( sharing your struggles) to BE IN IT WITH YOU was essential. Define “being in it with you?”
For me, the invisible stretching has been learning and understanding my limits and being ok with them.  Also when you work full time you give up a lot.  And there has been grief over what was.  I have lamented over time I used to have in pouring into people - I still am, it just looks a little different.  I have grieved my house being clean, but know that it is ok for it to be chaotic.

Being in it with me - they are the friends that give a runway of grace, knowing and seeing or understanding all that you carry and they are here anyways, with no expectation. But also the fine line of a long rope, but the trust that they can yank you in if they need to - for your good because they love you.

How do you know who to invite into these seasons and “invisible stretching” times?

I don’t think there is inviting - I think it’s just the people that see you.  I have a friend Carmen Rae who just GETS IT, but she happens to be in a similar season of juggling work/kids/marriage/community/leading - so we find pockets to be together, we pursue each other, we hold space for joys, and room for sadness.  

How has your prayer life been stretched since the last time you were here on Olive Us?

The depth of prayer has not changed, but I have to admit the quantity of time has.  But I don’t know if I feel guilt over that.  God is with me - always, whenever, wherever.  I feel like it is more narrow and deep rather than wide and shallow.  I am desperate to know him more, desperate to hear from him, desperate to confess more.

Encourage the Olive Us woman today who is currently going through some relational shifts...maybe in their marriage, friendships, parental roles...etc. and feels worn out, weary, or even anxious.

Shift happens! But truly, seasons ebb and flow. Even currents and tides change, seasons change, and animals hibernate - there is a rhythm to the way God intended things. And I think that is true for us, but we have to be willing to accept. I have realized on the other side of shifts often what he provides is better than what you thought you had. ALWAYS reminds me of the Israelites wanting to go BACK to the land where they were enslaved because getting to the promised land was too hard. It’s easier to stay…sometimes you are called to new.

Last month when we talked to Minnie Lee we talked about how some of us are in seasons of longsuffering or certain things don’t seem to be changing on this side of Heaven (medical diagnosis, chronic pain, grief,  etc.) What role have people in your life played as it relates to going to God in prayer on your behalf when you just couldn’t see straight and couldn’t pray the prayers that your soul needed to pray? 

Most recently I have seen it show up in 2 specific people and one group.  Carmen Rae and Penelope have literally stormed the floodgates.  And they don’t say they are going to pray - they show up.  Carmen Rae and I have done this for each other on multiple occasions.  And Penelope literally writes it down and doesn’t stop.  She follows up! It is just the most loving. And obviously our Camp Well team.  My deepest of the deep.  We see miracles, we watch God move.  We watch him comfort, we watch him change OUR hearts towards him.

Why is it important we go to GOD in prayer on behalf of one another?

Because HIS WORD says to!! Pray continually, pray at all times.  Galatians 6:2 - Carry each other’s burdens.

Olive Us was created for women to share their in-process experiences and their "Only God" moments so we can remember we’re connected through Christ and not alone. Why is this important? 

This is God’s kindness! It is His kindness when he weaves stories together to bring to the Light something that needs to be even brighter in your face. This is sharing hurts and hangups. Joy and sorrow. We need our people to know our journey so that they can be reminded of what God is doing. When I am processing with Gospel-centered women, they are always pointing back to living a Gospel-centered life focused on God’s word.

The Olive Tree


Finish these statements: 

God is… everything.

Our Relationships require prayer because…they are worth being given the nurture and attention to grow and sustain.

Changing Seasons & Relational shifts require…TRUST.

‘Olive Us’ are better when…we release people to show up exactly how they are.

Olives to Go

Thanks for having me “Olive Us”

Would love to connect with you!

Terri’s Instagram/Website/ Facebook


Bonus: #Recount2Remember Vol 5


Episode 35: Seasons Change-Life & Career