Bonus: #Recount2Remember Vol 5

A Kickoff Message with Sara Zika

Sara kicks off #Recount2Remember Volume 5 and brings a word on being “ADOPTED” and God calling us Sons and Daughters.

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Sara’s Kickoff Message


Sara Z. kicks off our Volume 5 Series with a special message! Hear stories from 5 ladies in the Olive Us community recount to remember God's goodness & faithfulness from the last six months. ⁣ ⁣Hang out with us Dec 29-31. We've been praying for you and asking God to meet you, revive you, and remind you of His love, character, and unifying spirit.⁣ ⁣ Listen or Watch Sara’s.

‘Olive Us’ Sisters Recounting


Dec 29: Sara Zika (Kickoff Message- Adopted Sons & Daughters)

God says we have been ADOPTED into His family and because of this we do not have to strive to earn His love or favor, WE ALREADY HAVE IT! When we lean into this truth we can rest in being a part of God’s family and testify to the goodness and faithfulness of God without worrying if we are earning our place in His kingdom.

What does it mean to be called a child of God, heir to the King?

Dec 30: Georgina Fourzan (Working with God and Not For God)

Georgina shares how God has kindly met her in switching up her rhythm and flow of work. ⁣This paradigm shift has caused Georgina to live more freely and in step with Our Father.⁣

Is God calling you to a life where you work WITH God and not FOR God? I

Dec 30: Robynnne Jeisman (God’s Goodness & Faithfulness in Many Forms)

Robynne encourages 'olive us' to remember God's goodness and faithfulness comes in many different ways. Robynne shares how the Lord has been faithful to her through the growth of her non-profit ministry, Turntable. Turntable was established during the pandemic amidst her 23 years of ministry to high-risk adolescents impacted by housing instability, sexual exploitation, and juvenile justice issues. ⁣The Lord's goodness and faithfulness in Robynne's life have allowed her to minister to youth and share stories of challenge, success, trauma, and joy! ⁣

Are you able to ‘take heart’ in all seasons?

Can you see God’s goodness and faithfulness as you look back on your life?

Dec 31: Sarah Crabtree (The Power of the Holy Spirit)

Sarah reminds 'Olive Us' of the POWER from the Holy Spirit.

“I thought I was going to sink into deep sadness when my one and only child went away to college this fall. I look back on it and I see the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Sarah shares her process of grief & “snapback” from the Holy Spirit that allowed her to not stay stuck in despair.

Have you experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in your life?

Is today the day you ask God to show you His power at work in your life?

Dec 31: Lina Adjogble (New Gifts, New Season)

After a 10-year career in Information Technology, Lina unexpectedly lost her then-dream job in July 2019. What followed were 18 months of grief, shame, and solitude. But God was doing deeper work in her and revealing gifts that she didn’t even know she had! Since then, she’s become the owner of Chosen & Free Co., a handmade jewelry business. In the last 6 months, she’s experienced what can only be described as unmerited favor.

Have you considered the “shut door” or “loss” in your life as a pathway to something new God wants to do in your life?

Do you struggle with trusting God’s goodness and mercy are following you in the middle of tough times?

Dec 31: Sybil Kolbert (Provision/Hope for the Future)

Sybil reminds 'Olive Us' to remember what God has already "spoken to or over you!" If you find yourself wondering why you aren’t hearing God’s voice, why he doesn’t seem to be responding to your prayers for wisdom or direction, maybe the answer doesn’t lie in something new, but in what He has already spoken to or over you. Looking back over what God already said, Sybil was encouraged in the present and helped her move toward the future with expectancy.

Have you found yourself frustrated or discouraged because you feel like you’re not hearing from God?

Have you considered you’re doing the very thing He wants you to do and in the very place He wants you to be?

The Olive Tree


How has God been good and faithful to you in the last 6 months?

As you hear each women’s story take a moment to reflect on your own life: Pray, journal, and/or tell a friend what you discovered in your reflection time.

How can you make recounting to remember God’s goodness and faithfulness a regular practice in your life?

Olives to Go


Romans 8:30

Galatians 2:16

Galatians 4:4-7

Psalm 23:6

Special thanks to the“Olive Us”

women in this community who shared their stories

Interested in contributing to a future #Recount2Remember Series?

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Episode 37: Different Lane, Same Direction


Episode 36: Relational & Prayer Shifts