The Man Who Bagged My Groceries


Maybe I'm super tender because of the season we're in. 

Maybe I'm tired, worn, heavy-hearted, and just downright sad because of what I heard and witnessed from the Presidential Debate the previous night....

But maybe, just was the reminder that I could be loved and seen by a stranger. It was a reminder that I can and should be doing the same. 

Last week I stopped by the grocery to pick up a few things and I decided (since I was without kids and wasn't distracted) to help the grocery store clerk bag my groceries. I don't know how to bag groceries properly, but I knew I wanted to help because I had extra hands. He looked over and said:

"Let me bag those groceries for you ma'am...I want you to walk out of this store's the least I can do." 

Now, maybe on a different day I would have said, "thank you" but today his words hit different. I said "thank you" but I had to quickly get out of the store because tears flooded my eyes. What a simple gesture—a few words of kindness—that made me feel seen and loved. I don't know what this man believes...or who he's voting for...I don't know his story...but I know what I felt. 

I felt a tenderness with his word....

I felt a concern for my well being....

I felt love....

I felt care....

And it got me to thinking... 

We can do this. 

All of the circles that God has placed us in. We can be:

Tender with our words.

Concerned for others’ well being.

Show Love.

Extend Care.

With no idea of someone's beliefs, political stance, ethnicity, culture, or socioeconomic status. It is just that simple. 

We can ALL be...the man who bagged my groceries.


As Far As It Depends On You


Another Trip Around the Sun