Another Trip Around the Sun


The changing of the seasons.

Hello Fall.

Another trip around the sun for me.

Hello #36.

I’m grateful for all of the “crazy” in the last year of my life. God shined a light on what I needed to work on, get rid of, and be more thankful for. 

I’ve said “Goodbye 👋🏾” & “Wow that hurts” one too many times (you know that hurt that feels like a real bullet just hit you in the chest and takes your breath away?).

I’ve also had my socks blown off by the beauty & blessings. God has shown me His power & love for me and this has been the greatest gift. He’s done this in a variety of ways..BUT definitely through HIS PEOPLE. Grateful. 

And this my friends is the tension of living here on Earth. It’s hard.

As I reflect, I have personally found that I don’t become a better, more transformed me through mountain  top moments. The muddy…can’t see my way out…what in the world moments…is where God transforms me and my heart.

Isn’t it in the crushing, the bruising, the pain, the loss that we really see “where we’re at?!” Emotionally, spiritually, physically, relationally?! BAM…EXPOSED.

One of my favorite teachers, Bishop TD Jakes, says that “Crushing places reveal that there is more to our lives than we had planned. The truly invaluable, marvelous, and eternal aspects of our identity and ultimate destiny are displayed to us there.” —— Transformation 🦋

Sometimes it hurts to look in the mirror, but if we don’t can we fix or at least address a wound that’s been a gaping hole in our hearts? We cover wounds with busyness, denial, pride, and comfort. This is us folks. But there is HOPE & we don’t have to hide.

My birthday wish…for all of us to do the messy work that this pandemic has brought to the surface. Get curious, keep learning, do better, see a therapist, have hard conversations, stand up when people tell you to sit down, extend grace & love, and get to know the ONE who made you. 

We’re in this together.

Cheers to the crushing & transformation....because oohhh weeee when we come out on the other side!!! 

Do a birthday dance for me.



Photo by the amazing Praise Santos (@praaaise @comeplum )


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