Unwrap the Gift Anyway


It can be hard to wrap your brain around the fact that there is ONE that will never leave you or forsake you. There is ONE that always desires to be with you.

I've struggled believing this because my human experience has included many loved ones who have left. This makes it hard to believe that a supernatural God that I can't see in the flesh wouldn't do the same. If that's your struggle, you are not alone. I would invite you to consider (and study) the very character of God.

When looking at scripture:

He was pushed away & persecuted by many, yet performed miracles healing bodies & hearts. He was betrayed and belittled, yet practiced presence & service. He was rejected & ridiculed, yet was merciful & long-suffering. He has always longed to be close to us.

When looking at my own life:

I have pushed Him away and taken many blessings & miracles in my life for granted. I have betrayed Him through my choices & deliberate actions to go against what I knew to be honoring to Him. I have put other things (and people) before Him and on a pedestal they never should have been on.


He never left.

I continue to fall short and there He is. Perhaps you can relate?! The more I draw near to God, He draws near to me (James 4:8.)

He will ALWAYS desire us, pursue us, and love us. Our shortcomings & mess don’t keep Him from being Him. Phew.

When we invite Him in...He promises to never leave. He is Emmanuel. God with us. There is nowhere we can go where He is not. (Psalm 139)

And though your human experience might make it hard to fathom the gift of Emmanuel, I invite you to unwrap the gift anyway and just receive this Christmas season.

He so desires to be with you. And for some of you...recount to remember His goodness & faithfulness...He is there.


As Far As It Depends On You